LicenseKeyNotFoundException Members

SecureTeam Copy Protection

LicenseKeyNotFoundException Members

The exception is thrown when the system couldn't find the license key file.

The license key file named 'AgileDotNet.Licensing.PrivateKey.bin' can be found at the Agile.NET application path. The file contains a public/private key pair that is used to encrypt and sign each license created using RSA public key encryption, thus helps preventing an unauthorized user from tampering with the license.


Datainherited from Exception.
HelpLinkinherited from Exception.
HResultinherited from Exception.
InnerExceptioninherited from Exception.
Messageinherited from Exception.
Sourceinherited from Exception.
StackTraceinherited from Exception.
TargetSiteinherited from Exception.


Equalsinherited from Object.
Finalizeinherited from Object.
GetBaseExceptioninherited from Exception.
GetHashCodeinherited from Object.
GetObjectDatainherited from Exception.
GetTypeinherited from Exception.
MemberwiseCloneinherited from Object.
ToStringinherited from Exception.


SerializeObjectStateinherited from Exception.

See Also

LicenseKeyNotFoundException Class | AgileDotNet.Licensing Namespace