d4j Features

Decompile byte code to Java

code navigation feature

Fast code navigation

Seamlessly navigate to code symbols by clicking on textual links, navigate back to where you last visited by utilizing the navigation buttons available on the navigation bar.

Highlight Usages

Highlight Usages in file puts highlighting on usages of a symbol in the current file.

code highlighting feature
procyon logo

Powered by Procyon

Our Java decompiler is built on top of Procyon open source project. Procyon is a suite of Java metaprogramming tools focused on code generation and analysis. It's actively developed thus includes support for latest Java language enhancements such us lambda expressions, Method Handles, enums and annotations.

Java Web Start Distribution

Our decompiler is distributed using Java Web Start technology, which allows users to start the decompiler directly from their web browser. Java Web Start distribution makes it easier to deploy our software across multiple machines in your organization and also to make sure you run the latest decompiler version available.

java web start logo
java package

Open any Java Archive File

In addition to traditional Jar files, you can open other java archives formats including .zip, .ear, and .war formats.